What a nice car1
Everyone on this site appreciates cars like this. I am partial to mustangs. Clay knows that I was close to buying his 1966 Shelby GT 350 car a while back. I love these cars.
This appears to be a very nice car. The price is correct. These cars are not selling for $12 grand anymore. Appreciation has been affected by the hysterical popularity of Mustangs all of shapes and engines.
My K code coupe is not as nice as this car but I won't take $25,000 for it today. If you want to make a few bucks, this car may be that car. I think that these cars are $20,000 in 24 months considering that they are the 40th anniversary cars to the new "Phenom".. the 2005 GT Mustang.
As a side note... I am seriously looking at the 2005 Mustang. I am waiting to see if Ford really does have a deal with Carroll Shelby. If there is a new Shelby Mustang, I will pay the price to get what will certainly be a collector's dream.
I like this car and feel that it's a solid car for investment for a person that can't spend a whole wad for another piece of fun...

2 cents...cheap at half the price.
