The Weaver's pulled if off again. Every year I attend, I think is the best one yet and this year was no exception. Friday's Open House was hindered by a pretty strong afternoon thunderstorm, but attendees made quick moves which allowed all cars (39) to be parked in the shop. One attendee said it reminded him of the hanger deck on an aircraft carrier on which he served. Tony Lewis' recently completed Daytona Coupe was a tremendous crowd it should be (what a fine Cobra replica it is). Lunch, snacks, drinks and traditional cake were great as usual.

Friday night's dinner was a huge success with a little belly dancing by Jan Tucker and Rick and Tad providing the musical entertainment. Maurice handed out the best car plaques to whom he called the three biggest AH's in the group. This was followed by some bench racing, story swapping and a few jokes in the Hampton Inn parking lot.

Saturday's drive to Desoto Falls and Little River Canyon was GREAT (30 cars) followed by lunch at a new place in Center, AL picked out by Alan. The weekend concluded with dinner at El Tapitillo with a few margaritas and other adult beverages and a roaring Happy Birthday to Megan Weaver who celebrated her 26th. As usual, farewells and "see you laters" were again exchanged in the Hampton Inn parking lot.

We all owe the entire extended Weaver family a BIG "THANK YOU" for another terrific Homecoming Bash!!!!!