I am breaking up the photos from the body shop to reflect progress. This is installment 2 from several weeks ago.

I went to visit the car this weekend, here are some shots of the progress. The other fender flare is going on, but the modification work is more extensive to repair a bit of sagging 'glass from the cockpit installation process during manufacture. Enjoy!

Here is the passenger flare clamped in place, ready for lamination to the body.

This is the same shot from the inside. You can see that we cut a section out of the rear corner of the cockpit where the glass lamination didn't hold. This is not the only reason we did this modification, the metal bar holding the door latch striker protruded out into the cockpit. We'll set the bar back in flush once the flare is laminated in and the cockpit closed back up.

More views, this time the wheel well.

The 'glass master, doing what he does best.

Beginning the rouging process while the glass dries...

Here's the last change to the cockpit profile, we opened the rear corner slightly to improve the fit with our larger seats.

The cockpit taking shape.

Brian Carlson

Unique 9122 - 289 FIA Cobra - The Legendary "Spence" Car

Brian Carlson

Unique 9122 - 289 FIA Cobra - The Legendary "Spence" Car