Hi, All!

By no means new to the component car hobbie, but new to this board. Thought it appropriate to introduce myself and offer a jolly "hello!"

From a distance I've followed the Cobra "mistique" for nearly 15yrs now and hope to make this dream of mine a reality in the relatively near future. With Carlisle coming up, I plan on weighing my options with the vendors in attendance, concentrating heavily on the details of the Unique 427. I've hashed and re-hashed the information available on their website, recently performed a search on CC for "Wearver's" and found that Unique-related disucssion mostly occur here on this forum. Not sure why it suddenly struck me to do this, I suppose I just accepted the fact that there wasn't much Unique traffic on CC. Anyway, glad to be here and look forward to learning bunches more about these cars, the owners, and hopefully becoming an owner myself.

The present plan is a Unique 427 with a SA 406/toploader, with CSX3042 being the inspriation if any of you are familair.

Well, if any of you living within/around the Pennsylvania boarders are planning to attend the Carlisle meet this May, I look forward to meeting you!

Speak to you all soon!

- Al.