As I was pulling into a local service station yesterday, a friendly patron remarked that I was losing coolant. Sure enough, green stuff was pouring out from the general vicinity of the radiator. Fortunately, I was only five miles from home, so I made back without incident. After waiting a couple of hours, I started my detective work. I checked the puller fan and the left side bracket for it looked uncomfortably close to the radiator. I pulled the fan and sure enough there was a leak directly behind the fastener holding the fan to the bracket. I quickly discovered why the radiator had contacted the bracket .... the bolt through the radiator tab had loosened .. a lot!

The only upside to the loose bolt was not needing a socket to remove it. Never occurred to me that it would loosen up. I'd recommend you all take a look and see if your radiator is properly anchored.

I'll find out tomorrow if the radiator can be repaired ...
