the banner suggested that i submit a post, since i haven't been active recently.

i've been reading, enjoying, but had no comments.

i've still have my 289 FIA, and drive fairly frequently, esp now that the wet spring and hottest summer months have passed.

i have discovered a new hobbie. long story short, i was invited to a police shooting range, and took a pistol my father gave me (assume he brought it home from WW2) a 1911 army issue 45. at the range, the cops were very impressed with the gun, suggested that it was too unique to shoot, should be considered a collector's item. and that sparked an interest in guns.

i found a similar, but modern production pistol at pawn, a colt model 80. and then the interest grew.

did not know it was possible to obtain much less shoot a M1 Garand, the main rifle from WW2 and Korea. maybe some of you would be interested also.

There is a Civilian Marksman Program that reconditions army surplus rifles and makes them available to the public. there are some minor restrictions, but esentially any citizen can apply for a rifle. i got mine after a very short wait, and am very pleased with it. i've applied for a M1 Carbine, will know soon if successful. the CMP also sells ammo for the M1 at greatly reduced prices.

shooting this old rifle is a real thrill. esp considering how important it was protecting our country. i want get this quote exactly right, but Gen Patton declared the M1 the most important one weapon of WW2.

the link to the CMP is

hope i've haven't bored you with this thread, but again some may be interested.
