Your not going to believe this. I am within a week or two of completing my build, or at least I was until discovering antifreeze in my oil. I was rerouting one of the oil cooler lines and not wanting oil to spill on the floor I decided to drain it in a cup. I just about chit when I seen what came out of the cooler line! The thing that has me puzzled is that this engine has only been ran about 5 minutes since it left southern automotive's test stand.
I see no way it could be a head gasket, but i guess anything is possable. Not only did i have antifreeze in it, but my barn is heated as well so the block freezing and busting is not possable. What else is left???
I haven't called Bill Parum yet, but I will first thing monday morn'n. I have one of his 452 ci-super FE's. I doubt there is any bearing damage as it hasn't ran long enough and when it did, it had plenty of oil psi, but i guess it could cause pitting. I'm guessing 1/2 to 1 quart of antifreeze came out of the pan. kinda hard to tell as some came out first when I removed the plug and the rest was mixed in the milky, diluted oil. Any suggestions?
Guess I'll go cry in my beer for a while