Greetings Fellow Cobra Enthusiast!
I am raising money for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund as a member of Team Semper Fi at the Marine Corps Marathon on October 25, 2009. My goal is raise $500 and to promote the continuing needs of our nation’s injured Marines and Sailors. I need your help to reach my goal!
By contributing to my campaign you will help many service members when they need it the most. Established in May 2004, the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund’s mission is to provide financial assistance and quality of life solutions to the brave men and women who have been injured in combat or training, or who have a life threatening illness. Assistance is also given to their families so that they can be at the bedside of their loved one during a Marine or Sailor’s rehabilitation and recovery. Assistance covers the immediate financial needs of service members and perpetuating needs, such as modified transportation, home modifications, and specialized equipment. To learn more about the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund, you can visit their website at There are many ways to support my efforts. The easiest way to contribute is to go to my campaign page at and donate securely online. If you would like to donate by check, send me a note and I will forward a donation form. You will receive a tax-receipt by mail from the IMSFF within two weeks. Any amount that you can give will help; no donation is too small. The need to assist our injured and critically ill service members continues to be great. Thank you in advance for your support and for joining me in “Serving Those Who Preserve Our Freedom.”
Steve Cook