Yah Rick, this is well put. This whole notion of multiculturalism is nothing more than the deification of behavior, and every radical behavior group is going to jump on the bandwagon for it. There is nothing wrong with celebrating one's roots and culture, but when the behavior associated with culture begins to rule... where behavior is placed above personal dignity... then we have a problem. This confusion/subterfuge is a major driving force in the slide that is described in your post.

That said, there are still groups that carry the burden and sting of prejudice against them. I think that this is part of what motivates this movement, and is part of what precipitated this movement in the first place (though, not all of the groups involved suffer prejudice... i.e. standing against illegal or immoral behavior is not prejudice). While not all of the involved groups are socially or morally acceptable, some groups have a legitimate concern and they might abandon their cause if prejudice were eradicated.

Another big part of this is the attack on the Church. Your post touches on this several times as it alludes to God being chased from the public square. One of the acceptable forms of bigotry is that against the Christians!

Your post brings up some great points...

Wow, this is some heavy stuff!