Where I live there are a lot of deer and some moose around so we see lots of vehicles that have hit them. The moose are by far the worst as they are so big and tall they usually crush the roof and often kill the occupants. So far my encounters with animals while driving is limited to two times hitting deer (actually one time it was them who hit me as they slammed into the driver's side doors and rear quarter one night). I once hit a dog that didn't fare so well as he got hit square on the bumper of my Ranchero in a big cloud of fur. He came out of the tall grass along side of the road so I never even saw him till after I stopped to see what I had hit. One of the strangest things that hit a vehicle was a big hawk that hit the door of one of my company trucks causing a big dent around the door lock. I sort of doubted the guy's story till I saw the pin feathers stuck around the edge of the lock. I have had a bear run across the road just in front of me while driving in the mountains and when I glanced in my mirror saw her cubs race across just behind me. Like I said, lots of this stuff is just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Drive safe.