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View Full Version : OK you asked for it, you got it!!!!

February 20th, 2004, 05:23 AM
http://www.uniquecobra.com/uploaded/bittentoo/DSC00211 (2).JPG
Here is one to tease you with;) Finally figured the pic thing out I think[xx(] But now I gotta go to a base ballgame. Will post more later!

February 20th, 2004, 05:24 AM

February 20th, 2004, 05:34 AM

I Love It :D:D:D


February 20th, 2004, 07:55 AM

I share your pain when it comes to computers.....[B)]


February 20th, 2004, 12:21 PM
Man, building a car is easier than posting pics on these forums:( Jim Harding sent great instructions on how to reduce the file size of my pics (thanks Jim!) Spent Monday and Tuesday evenings reducing them and saving them to disc. Tried to post them but the forum would not recognize them:(:( ImageMixer had made am IMA file out of them and they would not open:(:(:( Two evenings wasted when I could have been working on the car. Wednesday evening I said *%#! it, I'm working on the car.

Fast forward to Saterday morning. Awoke early ready to finish those little things that you let slide. Decided to check the Unique forum as usual. Found the Foshee (sp) brothers in a pi$$ing match about stripes/no stripes. Thought that I would stir the pot a little bit, boy, did that backfire:(

Came in this afternoon after taking The Orange One for a walk and decided to check the forum to see if Clay had hired a hit man to shoot the stripes off of my car[:O] And what do I find? Ol' Brent asking for the hundreth time for some pics of the car. So I grab the camera and am determined to figure out a way to get some pics. Set the camera on email, shoot some pics, come in and figure out a way to reduce the file size going through "my computer", the forum recognizes the file and I post:D Only to get the red "X":(:(:(:(

I hate these high speed idiots! I guess that I will have to swollow my pride and get my older brother over here and help me post some pics:( He is a computer lizard:D

Brent, you should be ashamed of yourself for picking on the handicapped. I'm computer illiterate:(

Shame, shame, shame:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

February 20th, 2004, 12:47 PM
LOL....Bitten....very funny, got a good laugh out of that one....really ROTFLMAO (ask me what that means in Gadsden, if you don't already know).

My brother and I have always loved verbal jousting matches, and we have fun doing that, but hey, he bought a Unique, sight unseen based upon my recommendation, and after a little talk with Alan. I hope he's not the one hiring the hit man later after he gets his car. It's all good, and it's all fun, that's what we're about. It's funny, but all of a sudden all these people think my brother and I are fighting....what a hoot! AND, your stripes are safe with me!

Back to your pic dilemma, I don't know ImageMaker, but the reason I recommended Photoshop before is that it's kinda like Windows....sort of a universal standard for digital imagery. This site only accepts pictures formatted as .jpegs and .gifs, and it also has a size limitation. With Photoshop, you can just punch in the size in inches, and it will automatically adjust the file size accordingly.


'98 Unique #9299, 427FE side oiler, top-loader (close), 3.31 rear

Annapolis, MD

February 20th, 2004, 03:05 PM
Email the LARGE version of the pic to excelguru@charter.net and I'll post it for you. :)

Keith :)
Unique Motorcars (http://www.uniquecobrareplicas.com)
Southern Automotive (http://www.southernautomotiveengines.com)
Bruce Bunn (the painter) (http://www.jodecoautobody.com)

My Photo Album (http://members5.clubphoto.com/keith355593/owner-429c-1.phtml)

Jim Harding
February 20th, 2004, 09:27 PM
Damn... mine all get saved as .JPG. I'll have to go back and see if there is a properties file to edit in order to save them in that format.

Jim Harding
La Plata, Maryland

1982 #3004

February 20th, 2004, 11:13 PM
I am sure glad to see I have become everybodys bitchin post.

Webers .....Fan mount......"trailer queen"...Now "pictures for the hundreth time" [B)]

Forget it :(

