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View Full Version : Columbia, SC - Lunch - 03.06.04

March 2nd, 2004, 10:47 PM
If this exceptional weather can manage to stay here long enough, several local Cobra owners (most of which are on the FFCobra forum) are planning to get together this Saturday (yeah, I know - 3 days notice).

Please visit This Thread (http://www.ffcobra.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=32;t=000180) for the latest discussion and details. Everyone is welcome to attend (car or not).

Keith :)
Unique Motorcars (http://www.uniquecobrareplicas.com)
Southern Automotive (http://www.southernautomotiveengines.com)
Bruce Bunn (the painter) (http://www.jodecoautobody.com)

My Photo Album (http://members5.clubphoto.com/keith355593/owner-429c-1.phtml)

March 3rd, 2004, 05:23 AM
Keith, I'm going to do everything I can to make this.

Steve Foushee

March 3rd, 2004, 07:48 AM
Keith, After reading the thread, it sounds like it is still up in the air where to meet. I would suggest we meet at Applebee's on Hwy. 1 which is extremely convenient for those folks driving up from Charleston as well as those coming from the westermn locations. The parking lot in the rear should easily handle our cars. Hey I also noticed this was a FFR website organizing the meet. Do we need to get permisson from Alan to go?

Steve Foushee

March 3rd, 2004, 07:49 AM
pardon the typo. (western)

Steve Foushee

March 3rd, 2004, 10:46 AM
I assume the Applebees you're referring to is at the intersection of I-26 and Hwy 1 on the west or southwest side of Cola? Haven't been there but I can find it easily enough. If we can't talk the group into meeting there, then you and I could meet there and travel (to wherever) to meet the others. I think they're planning to meet just off I-26 north of Columbiana Mall.

Do you have your car yet? I haven't been getting enough sleep to remember things.

Also note that the weather looks crummy at the moment. The forecast better improve or I'll be driving the truck instead (or maybe the whole event will get cancelled?). I drove the Cobra to work today. Beautiful day. I think torque is a drug.

Keith :)
Unique Motorcars (http://www.uniquecobrareplicas.com)
Southern Automotive (http://www.southernautomotiveengines.com)
Bruce Bunn (the painter) (http://www.jodecoautobody.com)

My Photo Album (http://members5.clubphoto.com/keith355593/owner-429c-1.phtml)

March 3rd, 2004, 08:32 PM
Yes, the Applebee's at Hwy 1 and I-26 would be very convenient. I don't know where the Columbiania mall is but can't be too hard to find. Weather permiting, I'll be there and meet you wherever. Hey, I think I figured out why your new baby isn't sleeping through the night....don't you own a Cobra, and isn't it kinda loud? Just a theory.

Steve Foushee

March 5th, 2004, 04:09 AM
The Applebees would be an easy place for us to meet (at least the two of us if no one else). My numbers are:

Cell: 803-243-8220
Home: 803-713-8221

Feel free to call me tonight (Friday) or tomorrow. I'm not as confident about the weather as Bob seems to be. I'd rather start later (1:00-ish?) and have a better chance for sun. We'll see. It may get scrapped late tonight anyway if the forecast doesn't improve. Last update showed 50% showers.

I really need to set my valve lash and change my plugs tonight so the car will be "hot" for tomorrow. (I have to maintain that Unique/Southern Automotive reputation, after all.) Not sure if I'll find time for that.

Keith :)
Unique Motorcars (http://www.uniquecobrareplicas.com)
Southern Automotive (http://www.southernautomotiveengines.com)
Bruce Bunn (the painter) (http://www.jodecoautobody.com)

My Photo Album (http://members5.clubphoto.com/keith355593/owner-429c-1.phtml)

March 5th, 2004, 01:31 PM
Keith, I sent you an email but wanted to go ahead and post a message in the event you did not receive it...I've sent other messages to other members that were not received in week past. My clutch went out this afternoon. Man am I bummed out. I really was looking forward to this. I was driving the car this afternoon, bought gas and started the car, let the clutch out and it was GONE! I'm clueless at this point what the problem is. It feels like the problem is hydrolic, however, the resevoir is full and no sign of fluid loss.

Steve Foushee

March 6th, 2004, 12:05 AM
I got the email and sent one back. No problem. Hope you get it worked out easily (and cheaply). Right now I'm sitting here watching it rain. It's 11:00 AM now. We're supposedly gonna meet in about 2 hours. Hmm... the weather has a LOT of changing to do in that 2 hours. I think we picked the wrong weekend.

Keith :)
Unique Motorcars (http://www.uniquecobrareplicas.com)
Southern Automotive (http://www.southernautomotiveengines.com)
Bruce Bunn (the painter) (http://www.jodecoautobody.com)

My Photo Album (http://members5.clubphoto.com/keith355593/owner-429c-1.phtml)

March 6th, 2004, 10:52 AM
Wish you could've been there, Steve... (The images are clickable for hi-res.) As you can see, I was the only Unique in attendance. The other 6 were FFR. (Didn't get a pic of Earl's car.)

http://a2.cpimg.com/image/A6/EC/30584742-bdc5-02000180-.jpg (http://members5.clubphoto.com/_cgi-bin/getImage.pl?imgID=30584742-d9e2&trans=)
I still haven't learned everyone's name. :o

http://a0.cpimg.com/image/AE/EC/30584750-f55d-02000180-.jpg (http://members5.clubphoto.com/_cgi-bin/getImage.pl?imgID=30584750-2fb0&trans=)
Yes, that's his tongue sticking out.

http://a6.cpimg.com/image/B4/ED/30584756-819c-02000180-.jpg (http://members5.clubphoto.com/_cgi-bin/getImage.pl?imgID=30584756-3300&trans=)
Here's what we look like to those in front of us. (Difficult shot to make.)

http://a3.cpimg.com/image/BB/ED/30584763-f081-02000180-.jpg (http://members5.clubphoto.com/_cgi-bin/getImage.pl?imgID=30584763-b47f&trans=)
A picture of him getting a picture of me.

http://a2.cpimg.com/image/C4/ED/30584772-3d8a-02000180-.jpg (http://members5.clubphoto.com/_cgi-bin/getImage.pl?imgID=30584772-e5cb&trans=)

http://a7.cpimg.com/image/A1/EC/30584737-6876-02000180-.jpg (http://members5.clubphoto.com/_cgi-bin/getImage.pl?imgID=30584737-f8da&trans=)
Here's the weather we started with.

Had a lot of fun after an overcast start. I got rained on just a teeeeeny bit on my way to the rendezvous point, but the Rain-X took care of it handily (going 80 probably helped, too).

Keith :)
Unique Motorcars (http://www.uniquecobrareplicas.com)
Southern Automotive (http://www.southernautomotiveengines.com)
Bruce Bunn (the painter) (http://www.jodecoautobody.com)

My Photo Album (http://members5.clubphoto.com/keith355593/owner-429c-1.phtml)