View Full Version : Band of Brothers

June 8th, 2004, 02:30 PM
To all of our Unique Brothers..

I just got off the phone after an hour's long conversaton with Clay Foushee. Clay and I have never met in person, yet we knew each other instantly. We talked about our childhood and the cars we loved in our youth. It was one of those lenghtly conversations that could have gone on for all eternity. It was about cars...It was about us and the stuff that makes friends without formal introduction.

Clay talked about homecomeing and what it was like for him to meet all the special people that make up this very [unique] group of people that we call can call our [u]band of brothers</u>...
I couldn't help feel a kindred sort of bond when he spoke of the Weaver's and how much they have given to all of us that own the Brand. Alan and the Family are dedicated to all us that believe in their dreams. I believe...
Clay and I talked about what makes these car creations important. It's not the money or the notoriety when we are noticed... It's the feelings that are created every time we turn the key and step on the throttle.
I hope that the good Lord will allow me to visit will all of you that make up this most gracious body of fellowship that we call the Unique Forum...God bless the Weaver's... for they have created the union that we share and enjoy today.



June 8th, 2004, 10:34 PM


427 Roadster, #4279436
Southern Automotive FE
3:31 and Toploader

Roseville (N.Cal)

June 8th, 2004, 10:42 PM
A-Men Bro hope to meet you all someday.


Work in Progress, Unique 427-9429 400+hp 351C Tremec 3550-2 5spd Coal Black
by Bruce, Greg & Jerry Porter Caldwell, Ohio

June 8th, 2004, 10:50 PM
All, it was one of those amazing conversations we have all too rarely. Chris/Sundown is one heck of an interesting guy, who has owned a little of just about everything that could be classified American muscle car. He's also a very nice person. I'm sure he'll be at the next Homecoming, but if you're passing through the deserts around Phoenix, you should give him a ring.


'98 Unique #9299, 427FE side oiler, top-loader (close), 3.31 rear

Annapolis, MD

June 8th, 2004, 10:59 PM


June 9th, 2004, 03:09 AM
Might just do that since I get out West every once in a while.
I like it out there[^][^].


June 9th, 2004, 07:03 AM
To the Brothers...
As clay said, If you're in my neck of the woods htere's always a cool drink and a porch to set on while we solve the world's problems and talk about our cars.
Homecoming is big on my radar screen for next year for sure. I think Phil siad he was definately going too. Wish I could bring my car but Cobra's are too big for overhead baggage according to Southwest airlines.
Remember that we are the brand[no typo here] of Brothers.
Too hot out here to drive my car except early in the morning [5 am]Guess I will be up early on Saturday then...

Regards to all,


June 9th, 2004, 07:42 AM
i hope all you west coasters make it out east next year. just fly in. i guarentee youll have a great time. after attending a couple homecomings, this year, especially having this forum, for me, was way more about the people than the cars. i think clay said in a previous post. something to the effect of "i never expected this to come with just buying a car" its so true. later,brian

June 9th, 2004, 08:03 AM
Brian is right.
I heard alot of people comment on how much the forum "changed" homecoming. It allowed homecoming to start earlier with the anticipation and preparation and it also allowed homecoming to last longer with all the photos and drive home stories. I still think we should have had shirts with our forum names on the back. Maybe next time.
I also think the forum has greatly raised the quality of the car builds.



June 9th, 2004, 09:20 AM
This forum has been invaluable to me personally with regards to getting my car questions answered and acted upon...

Can't thank all you guys for all the help... I value your varied suggestions and have tried to make intelligent decisions based on all the input...

Thanks again,,