View Full Version : First Drive - Dave and Gerry in Chicago

April 22nd, 2005, 01:28 PM
Okay, the weather seemed surprisingly good Sunday (now it is back to normal Chicago spring and the car is in the garage) and Gerry Hagel got the car out for a first drive:

http://www.uniquecobra.com/uploaded/daveg/Cobra Updates 027 small.jpg

http://www.uniquecobra.com/uploaded/daveg/Cobra Updates 025 small.jpg

Drive went well - some minor learching (mostly me getting used to the clutch) but no stalls or major failures. Almost comfortable enough to let it rip more. All in all it was a great day. Wife even felt confident enough to let me drive the 5 and 7 year olds around the block.

Thanks everyone on this site for all the help - some of my favorite links included:

Brent's Brake Line Help:
although I did end up tweaking this - need to update the post.

Phil's post to Gerry regarding the MSD wiring (we both need help)

Okiesnake's post regarding the seats

Rick's wiring harness and ebrake pics

General oil pump testing thread
while doing this easily helped easily fix an oil leak off the remote oil cooler block as well as pre-oil and engine that had been sitting for quite some time - I would recommend everyone mark the distributor positioning before taking it out - would have saved the trouble of resetting the timing (live and learn)

Thanks again everyone for the help - this site has been great.


April 22nd, 2005, 07:32 PM
The car looks great!

What's all that green stuff in your yard? Hey look, it's in the neighbor's yard, too.

Keith :)
My car is FOR SALE! (http://webpages.charter.net/excelguru/UMC_4_Sale.htm)

April 22nd, 2005, 09:18 PM
The car looks great [^] Two things - that color combo looks familiar... secondly, that exhaust color (or lack there of) is suspicious) [8D]


427 Roadster, #4279436
Southern Automotive FE
3:31 and Toploader

Roseville (N.Cal)

April 23rd, 2005, 05:40 AM
Beautiful car!!

The first drive is really nerving. [?][?]

Post some pics of changes please. This forum makes Unique kit builders better and better every year. ;)

Looks awesome [:P]

427 SC Chassis #4279401
Candy Apple Red/White
402 FE/Toploader/3.54

April 23rd, 2005, 07:05 AM
Updated the brake/clutch line topic:


Cold and Windy in Chicago today - maybe I will bundle up for another ride?


April 23rd, 2005, 03:44 PM
Really Great Dave I remember my first drive!! Can tell it is truely your first drive by the clean and shiny inside the exhaust outlet of the sidepipe. Still have my Unique Motorcars label on my windshield after 5 years!!

Proud to be Unique!!


Jeff 427
April 24th, 2005, 09:01 AM

Thats a "Classic" dark blue, always loved that color. Nice Job!


Unique 427 S/C #4279451
Southern Automotive FE406
4 Speed Toploader (wide)

April 24th, 2005, 04:17 PM
Looks great Dave,
Just in time for the break in the weather. Hope you get lots of seat time for all your hard work.
Your post have been great.They will help me with my build.


Unique 427 #4279480 427s/o Nascar toploader 3.31 Jag IRS