View Full Version : Ripchords

January 1st, 2006, 09:34 PM
Last summer my wife and I participated in a Lancaster, PA car show with the Rip Chords featured as the evening's entertainment. Just after the show I drove our 427SC from the show field onto the concert field and parked directly in front of the stage. It was an instant hit with the crowd and the car was surrounded by Rip Chord fans. The band only had a few minutes to spare but agreed to be photographed with us and the car. I made a mistake by photographing the group in front of the car instead of behind it, but we were pressed for time. I've attached images of Sharon and myself with the group. I was 13 years old when "Hey Little Cobra" was a smash hit on every radio station in 1964 and this opportunity to meet the group was definately cool.


January 2nd, 2006, 06:03 AM
I got the album still and call my car Lil' Cobra as you can see by my tag


January 2nd, 2006, 06:47 AM
Awesome Geary!
Maybe you can photoshop your Cobra in front of them.