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View Full Version : Sunshine Cruise

March 8th, 2006, 02:49 PM
Went on a good cruise yesterday. Work related:D . About 150 miles. Car ran great. Left the top off just because of the nice sunshine. About 45*F.
Not to cold. A little chilly when a wind gust came up.
Boy I can't wait for the warm weather.
The top is great but when the Sun is shining it is hard to keep it on.:shift:

Happy motoring everyone.

March 8th, 2006, 04:03 PM

Glad you could get out. The weather here was beautiful in February (70's), and put on quite a few miles. However, we are paying for it now - rain, rain, rain......

March 10th, 2006, 12:03 PM

Your rain is now our rain in Cincy.

will butterworth
March 10th, 2006, 12:12 PM
Has been raining here all february and cold, had rain swift front move through last night, today is the finest sunshiney day in weeks.Wish we were riding. Will retire from here in exactly two years-the plan--wait to see if that works out.Phil-coming to gadsden this time?Dixie lightning neighbor got busted by revenoor folks this spring, so won,t be able to bring refreshments.Small, stainless steel going to a museum here in alabama somewhere, will have to find another supplier.Car shows start this month ,will get to see old friends soon.Tony--thought you all have had a good bit of snow this time? Will-alabama

March 12th, 2006, 04:26 PM
Sat and Sunday (11&12 Mar) in TN fantastic in the 70's no rain, trees in full bloom and with the top down smells so sweet! [:D]


will butterworth
March 13th, 2006, 05:09 AM
yesterday down to roanoke Alabama, then over to Franklin ,Ga. and north to Bowdon,Ga. buttrecups, ironwoods, yellow bells, awesome, tried out new silver car, both ran great, red one too, took all the girls for a ride.Cy,s bride to be likes uniques too, spect we will have three of,em things some day.Zach is going to put up some pictures soon, i hope. Will-alabama