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View Full Version : Chapter 17 - All Hosed Up

March 20th, 2006, 07:30 PM
This will be a short chapter in the grand scheme of things. As I go stir crazy waiting for that body to be finished up, I threw together some hard radiator lines using mandrel bends and straight tubing. The powder coat isn't on yet, and the finish is still pretty rough. Despite that I'm really happy with how it came out! Also visible is the new radiator bracket.

March 21st, 2006, 05:22 AM
Why did you get a radiator with the bottom outlet on the passenger side, just curious???

Give us an update on the paint work, when is that suppose to be completed?

March 21st, 2006, 06:29 AM
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to figure that out... The main reason for the reversed radiator is because we have the Hawk front suspension with the MG beam that isn't drilled for a pass through. Since the lower radiator line needs to pass between the beam and the frame in this configuration, making the turn down to the driver side outlet was a challenge with the rack and pinion input. The ease of plumbing combined with the anal retentive fact that the original cars were oriented this way led to the passenger side outlet.

The body is in primer now, and I am scheduled to head to the painter for final inspection (prior to color) a week from Saturday. We're scheduled to get it back mid-April. The 8-week turnaround from our painter has extended to 8 months. On the positive side, it looks awesome!