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View Full Version : Chapter 14.6 - Patience is a Virtue (aka The Body Shop Saga)

April 2nd, 2006, 07:08 PM
I went over to Tulsa yesterday to check up on the body, and all of the body work is complete and we should be in primer next weekend. We're scheduled to shoot color mid-April and have the completed body in the garage by the end of the month. Those of you who have followed this litany from the beginning will notice that these dates never seem to materialize, but I can finally say that we are seeing progress and there is some light down there towards the end of this loooong tunnel.

Here are a few shots of how we're coming along...

The hood and rear deck lid have more work on the bottom than the top, and both look great. The hood scoop flares aren't fully shaped, but are 90%. The cockpit rolls are complete except one corner where we re-shaped to accomodate the larger seats we are using. Believe it or not, the radius on our car was opened up by nearly an inch to allow these seats!

April 3rd, 2006, 12:14 AM
It's coming along nicely:D. I'm sure that verification of the whole "patience is a virtue" thing is a trial:(. Keep the faith... it seems like it won't be that long now!

April 3rd, 2006, 08:49 PM
Ah, antcipation...... Brian, my guess is you are going to look back on all this and wish it hadn't come to an end. I just wish I could see the finished product in person - it will definitely be something to behold :)

Justin Upchurch
April 4th, 2006, 06:38 AM
You know if it is painted by the middle of April, you could make homecoming.
