View Full Version : It was great seeing everyone at HC '06

Tony Radford
May 13th, 2006, 06:32 PM
Special thanks to the Butterworth family for letting me tag along on the way up. As always, the Weaver family put on great show. Pat, hope all goes way on the trip home. I joined the Parham caravan on my return. Everyone be safe on your journeys home.

will butterworth
May 15th, 2006, 08:00 AM
folks here at the office really liked the cars when you all made it here last thursday.Now you know where we are so ---wouldn,t that make a good ride from Atlanta for a sunday outing this summer? Oldblu is close to you, and one or two more of our family.Leave the light on? Great to see you and everyone--Weavers--have to go fishing with Mr. Jimmy, or he,s going to get rough with me--I,ve promised him too many times.Will-alabama