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July 13th, 2007, 08:43 PM
Greetings all, Brian here again. Signed in as my Dad so that I can upload pictures! This is about my most proud thread as all the hard work is truly coming to fruition. The seemingly unending project is progressing toward culmination. (Much to Cathy's approval) In case you don't want to wander through all the below prose, here's the Cliff Notes version...The Legendary Spence Car is alive and well. If you listen real hard, you can hear the theme song to the 6 Million Dollar Man..."We can rebuild him. Better. Faster. Stronger."

After three plus years of building, wiring, and plumbing I was nearly sick last Friday night as I considered the plans for the following day. Our checklist of activities had dwindled to a simple few items such as “prime oil pump, add antifreeze, add fuel”. A few sleepless hours later the alarm clock sounded signaling the start of a much anticipated day.

The preliminary tasks went quickly, but were not without excitement. Our gleaming machine was leaking critical fluids like a sieve due primarily to AN fittings requiring a little extra snug to create final, drip free seal. With fuel pressure in the injector rails and all items checked from our list, there was only one job left for this warm Saturday afternoon.

With a gentle twist of the key the PMGR starter whirred to life and somewhere deep within the shining black cast iron engine block a high voltage spark ignited a cocktail of compressed air and vaporized hydrocarbons with a deep and hollow resonance. Seconds later a gleaming silver piston was hurtling through space in a direction opposite of the one it had been just been traveling. Close by, seven other followed suit and the engine jumped to life with authoritative bark.

After starting so smoothly, the engine seemed to ‘remember’ that startup is not supposed to be that easy, and quickly registered a protest from being awakened from slumber by promptly emitting puffs of black smoke as the protective assembly lubricants began to burn from the now firing cylinders.

Though not in peak tune, the engine is alive and well. Our entire neighborhood has embraced the Cobra project, and once the rumbling eminated from the garage that afternoon our friends flocked to check out the newly awaken monster on the corner. The car sounds tough as nails and drew smiles from all friends who looked on. Such was the local excitement that we were persuaded to fire up the little snake again late into the evening hours – an activity that will surely draw a different reaction once the neighborhood excitement wanes for the hot rod..

All adjectives aside, my pride could scarcely be contained through the day as the engine actually started. Easily. Quickly. The whole time the motor was running I was waiting for some sort of out of place sound alerting me to some sort of impending disaster. Though we’re not out of the woods yet, there is a light at the other end of this forest. Dad and I are now sprinting to that light, hoping to get this little car on the road so we can put all of our hard work to the test!

July 13th, 2007, 11:04 PM
Brian, It's good to here from you. I was wondering how your project was going. looks like (and sounds like) all is well. Congrats on getting the motor fired. I hope to be sharing those same sounds with my neighbors sometime soon.:D :D

July 14th, 2007, 12:25 AM
Congratulations Brian! I was quick to open your post when I saw the word "fire" in the title and was relieved to read that you were referring to firing up the motor versus the other kind of fire. Looking forward to your next installment.


July 14th, 2007, 03:48 PM
Man, it's come a long way from when I looked at it:


July 14th, 2007, 05:56 PM
It's looking really great. What EFI controller are you using BTY? Accell DFI? FAST?

July 15th, 2007, 02:30 PM
Looks great Brian. Finish that sucker, and drive!

July 15th, 2007, 06:11 PM
What an amazing transformation!!! Congrats on the motor.... isn't that a sweet sound? :)

July 15th, 2007, 06:32 PM
Fantastic Brian! Hats off to you and your Dad! You will miss the build once it is over as it is so much fun. Once the build is over however, then comes the tinkering phase which lasts and lasts. I bet your heart was doing a tap dance as the engine ran for the first time... I know mine was!!



July 16th, 2007, 06:57 AM
Patrick - We're running an Accel DFI system. A guy my dad worked with is an Accel contractor and an expert on the systems. These days we talk frequently!

Mike - Thanks for the side-by-side comparo. Feels good to see it come such a long way!

Ralph - Yup, the heart was tapdancing when we started for the first time...And the eyes were watering! Starting up the Accel system we were on an estimated map that was later found to be overfueling by 50%. It took days to get the smell out of the garage!

Jeff 427
July 16th, 2007, 11:07 AM
Great Job!!!! ...... Brian & Dad!!!

A motor with stacks always looks so Cool!!!

Looks like carpet, dash and seats and its good to Go!!!

July 18th, 2007, 06:06 AM
Fantastic, Brian. Congratulations! I remember seeing the adds for the car that Spence would run from time to time on Cobra Country and hearing the odd stories that were circulating about it. You and your dad have done a great job rescuing that car from the brink and making it one of the elite FIA cars on (or soon to be on) the road. Keep up the sprint to the finish line and again, congratulations.

July 18th, 2007, 09:22 AM
Absolutely beautiful! Truly a labour of love. We should all chip in and fly Spence over to have a look at the car with somebody on hand with a video camera to record his reaction.

July 18th, 2007, 02:21 PM
Looking good Brian.

July 18th, 2007, 05:28 PM
Come'on Brian you know that is a sweet smell after all the work you have put in!!
