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View Full Version : Leaving Sun AM to pick up 289 in Gadsden

January 26th, 2008, 06:06 PM
Well I'm off bright and early tomorrow morning to pick up my 289 roadster at Unique. It shouldn't be more than about 11 hours on the road...providing everything goes according to plan...which it never does!:rolleyes: We will stay Sunday night at the Hampton Inn and then go over to the plant on Monday morning. Take the tour, etc. and hopefully get back on the road by mid-day.

Will probably stop on the way back, rest and finish the trip Tuesday. Can't wait to actually meet the Weavers and see my car in person.

289 in transit:D

January 26th, 2008, 07:59 PM
Man-o-man.... I feel the excitement :D We need pictures!!!

January 26th, 2008, 08:12 PM
Good to hear that your day has arrived.

Have a great trip.


January 26th, 2008, 09:00 PM
Phil and Geary,

Thanks for the kind words! We plan on taking a lot of pictures when we get there. There are several posted on my web site under the Build tab.


I'll post more when we return!;)

289 almost in transit!

January 27th, 2008, 08:37 AM
I never will forget the feeling I had when I saw my 427 for the first time at Unique when I went to pick my car up .

Makes me excited all over again just thinking about it .

I hope you have as good an experience with your car as I have had with mine so far .

I have had mine for almost three years and everytime I turn the key it is like starting the car again for the first time .

If you haven't meet the Weavers yet , that experience will be almost as good as seeing your car for the first time .

Have a safe trip to Alabama and post pictures .:shift:

Rick Findley

January 27th, 2008, 09:23 AM
I know you've left already, but seeing your note remindered me of when Butch Capps and I went down to pick up my pallet kit. We took lots of pictures in fact my son Nathan and I were looking at them last night. Fond memories.. and a great beginning!!

Congratualtions and ENJOY!!


January 27th, 2008, 09:28 AM
I came down with another couple and my wife. I remember walking into the showroom, then into the garage. Sandy saw the car first, I followed. I got to about 20 feet away and my knees started to give way. I held my wife's shoulder and sured up. I will never, never, never forget. I envey you and the best luck with your build. Hope to see you at home coming, this will be our first. Bottom line, you can buy a new car; but you build an experience with a Unique Cobra.
Best wishes, your life is about to change!

January 27th, 2008, 06:23 PM
Good deal Terry!
Have a safe trip.:cool:

January 29th, 2008, 11:05 AM
We're Back!!!:D

After a 13 hour drive from Houston we arrived in Gadsden about 7PM Sunday night. Stayed at the Comfort Inn. We got up early to be at Unique at 8am on Monday morning. Met Jean first, then Alan and Maurice! Saw them put the finishing touches on my baby!

Like ya'll said it was really something to see it in person for the first time. Lance Rath my racing partner went with me and he could finally see what I had been telling him about the quality of the Unique cars and the friendliness of the entire Weaver family.:D We met most all the staff there and were given the tour...took a lot of pictures which I will post some later.

Packed up everything in our trailer and departed at 12noon on Monday. We had planned on driving about 1/2 way and spending the night and then driving in the rest of the way today. Well I got antsy and wanted to press on so that I could get things unloaded, etc. today...so we drove straight through again, arriving in Houston at 2AM this morning. Needless to say I am just a little tired...not as young as I used to be and don't re-cooperate nearly as quick.:o

But the BEAUTY is tucked away safely in my garage for now. I'm going to review the CD on finishing it out and probably start this weekend...if I can wait that long!;)

Can't wait to get it finished and break it in so that we can take it to Home Coming this year.

Thanks again to all for the kind words and stories of your deliveries.

Viking Blue 289

January 29th, 2008, 11:25 AM
Happy to hear you had a safe trip...... and congratulations (ain't it grand?!) :D

January 30th, 2008, 02:00 PM
Good for ya, Terry!!!

Was 4 years ago almost to the day that we picked up the Orange One, boy does time fly!

Hurry up and "Get Er Done" so we can see another Unique running around Houston. If you need any help at all, call me.
