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will butterworth
February 1st, 2008, 01:26 PM
Professor Vernon Von Studebaker, republican, attending big social function,Hillary was there holding court, discovered the old professor, started belittling him by talking in a southern drawl using single syllables, and she kept swatting at some annoying flies, whereupon the old professor asked, "ya,ll havin problems with them circle flies?" She stopped talking said"Well yes ,but I,ve never heard of circle flies before"."well ma,am, circle flies hang around horses, usually the rear-end of the horses" the professor said. "oh" she exclaimed, "are you calling me a horses ass?" Whereupon, the old professor in all his wisdom said"no mam" Hillary said:" well that,s a good thing". She rambled on a bit, the old professor, after a pause spoke up, " it,s hard to fool them circle flies though".My dog, Professor Vernon Von Studebaker wishes you a good day.Will-alabama

February 1st, 2008, 01:53 PM
Well at least we know she's a horses a$$, I'm trying to fugure out how McCain convinced everyone he's a conservative republican!

February 1st, 2008, 04:47 PM
I still like Huckabee. I like plain talking people that I can relate to.

Will, tell the Professor that dogs and people are known by who they associate with. What was he doing associating with the rear end of a mule anyhow, collecting manure for next spring's planting?

See ya


February 4th, 2008, 05:20 AM
Ralph you need to give me a call..........but before you do I would do some serious background work!!

will butterworth
February 4th, 2008, 05:20 AM
old dogs years are showing a bit.Sleeps on electric blanket now, arthritis, teeth worn from all those armadillos he has slain over the years.Politics--did ya,ll notice media using huckabee,s christianity against him, but saying nothing about the mormon, boy or the muslim boy.I have noticed in society that christianity has slowly become a liability,folks making a mockery of Jesus. Will-alabama

February 4th, 2008, 08:24 AM
Will, Who would have ever guessed that Christians, in of all places the USA, would be discriminated against. I really think the media is discriminating against any religion that establishes values and scruples of behavior. It will be a terrible legacy for our kids and grandkids to live in a society where anything goes. The dissolution of all great societies have been initiatied by the dissolution of individual values, much like the Roman Empire. This is really and issue of National Security and organizations like the ACLU need to be held accountable by our courts. By courts I mean those that follow the constitution not those that legislate from the bench creating tort law.

Hope the professor has a restful enjoyable time of it. I've had a few dogs who have lived to a very old age and passed with great dignity and provided very fine memories.

Rick not sure what you are driving at, but I will give you a call. I'd love to hear your take on things.


February 4th, 2008, 09:11 AM
Ralph, It's all part or the plan; 2 Timothy 3:12 "And indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."

February 4th, 2008, 09:54 AM
Thanks Rod, that is what my wife Gayle and I talk about. It is nice to see the Chapter and verse. I guess I should not be so hateful, but it wears on me in terms of the kids and grandkids.


February 5th, 2008, 08:22 PM

Just returned from Cabo San Lucas - my annual Marlin fishing & Super Bowl trip. Just between you and me, I was doing some advance undercover work for Professor Vernon Von Studebaker and the FBI on the immigration issue. Having just returned and seeing your post, my admiration for the Professor has increased 10-fold.

You have a good day as well :)

February 6th, 2008, 05:10 AM
We have immigration issues?

will butterworth
February 6th, 2008, 12:34 PM
lucky fellow indeed--cabo--better than super bowl--marlin fishing--wow.Hold that one against you for eight years.Man, tornados here, rain finally--some cost--have to duck your head--keep your head down.Good to hear from you. Watched historical account of fall of saigon from n. v.nam perspective--man they whipped our butts and everybody else,s butts. 34--35 b-52 shot down. Phil--haven,t had an aweful dream in couple years now, good dr. has me on little pil help me sleep .Talked to buddy in virginia while back, hesitant to talk to me,told himwho I was several times, finally he said he thought i was dead, had been killed in artillery strike, reassured him it was me, before he finally opened up and talked for a while,thought I had been dead all these years,40, odd, now. Wished I had called him sooner now.I have to go see him, .Take care friend---Will-alabama

February 6th, 2008, 05:08 PM
Attended my 40th H.S. reunion ('67 - summer of love baby) this past fall - reconnected with a lot of old friends... a few that had heard I was killed in SE Asia. Is was happy to disappoint them, although I have several friends who didn't return or are emotionally and/or mentally scared forever. Guess I was real lucky getting home in one piece.... must have been that agricultural cash crop of their's that numbed me to everything that was going on around me at the time.

Happy to hear you got through those tornadoes okay. I was looking forward to sitting down with you at Homecoming and catch up on things and have a sip or two of that lightening of yours, but they switched weekends on me - maybe next year. Probably do you and your buddy in VA good to get together - take care my friend.

March 10th, 2008, 02:28 AM
old dogs years are showing a bit.Sleeps on electric blanket now, arthritis, teeth worn from all those armadillos he has slain over the years.Politics--did ya,ll notice media using huckabee,s christianity against him, but saying nothing about the mormon, boy or the muslim boy.I have noticed in society that christianity has slowly become a liability,folks making a mockery of Jesus. Will-alabama

Will, that professor is wise beyond his age;)!