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March 13th, 2008, 04:23 PM
America Needs A Leader Like This!

Quote by:

Prime Minister John Howard - Australia

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote:

'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage y ou take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

March 13th, 2008, 05:13 PM
One of our candidates won't even use his opponents middle name for fear of retaliation, does he have the balls to run the country. Even worse the opponents preacher was heard all over the country giving racist speeches that would make Hitler proud, but his wife is proud to be an american for the first time in her life. I don't even need to say anything about the third or should I say turd candidate.

I need a drink, Allen how much would shipping be to Australia?

March 13th, 2008, 05:20 PM
This election is a dilemma.

Per Webster:

Pronunciation: \də-ˈle-mə also dī-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin, from Late Greek dilēmmat-, dilēmma, probably back-formation from Greek dilēmmatos involving two assumptions, from di- + lēmmat-, lēmma assumption — more at lemma
Date: 1523
1: an argument presenting two or more equally conclusive alternatives against an opponent
2 a: a usually undesirable or unpleasant choice <faces this dilemma: raise interest rates and slow the economy or lower them and risk serious inflation> b: a situation involving such a choice <here am I brought to a very pretty dilemma; I must commit murder or commit matrimony — George Farquhar>; broadly : predicament <lords and bailiffs were in a terrible dilemma — G. M. Trevelyan>
3 a: a problem involving a difficult choice <the dilemma of “liberty versus order” — J. M. Burns> b: a difficult or persistent problem <unemployment…the great central dilemma of our advancing technology — August Heckscher>

In other words: "They all suck ,but we must pick the one that sucks the least and live with it"

March 13th, 2008, 07:45 PM
Subject: Montebello High School California

Montebello High School in California

You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front
page of the NY Times or on the lead story of the major news networks.
The protestors put up the Mexican flag over the American flag flying
upside down at Montebello High School in California

This stunt could will be the nail in the coffin of
any guest-worker/amnesty plan on the table in Washington . The image of
the American flag subsumed to another and turned upside down on American
soil is already spreading on Internet forums and via e-mail.

Pass this along to every American citizen in your
address books and to every representative in the state and federal
government. If you choose to remain uninvolved, do not be amazed when
you no longer have a nation to call your own nor anything you have
worked for left since it will be 'redistributed' to the activists while
you are so peacefully staying out of the 'fray'. Check history, it is
full of nations/empires that disappeared when its citizens no longer
held their core beliefs and values. One person CAN make a difference.
One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one.......

The battle for our secure borders and immigration laws
that actually mean something, however, hasn't even begun.

If this ticks YOU off...PASS IT ON!

March 14th, 2008, 09:15 PM
Subject: Montebello High School California

Montebello High School in California

You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front
page of the NY Times or on the lead story of the major news networks.
The protestors put up the Mexican flag over the American flag flying
upside down at Montebello High School in California

This stunt could will be the nail in the coffin of
any guest-worker/amnesty plan on the table in Washington . The image of
the American flag subsumed to another and turned upside down on American
soil is already spreading on Internet forums and via e-mail.

Pass this along to every American citizen in your
address books and to every representative in the state and federal
government. If you choose to remain uninvolved, do not be amazed when
you no longer have a nation to call your own nor anything you have
worked for left since it will be 'redistributed' to the activists while
you are so peacefully staying out of the 'fray'. Check history, it is
full of nations/empires that disappeared when its citizens no longer
held their core beliefs and values. One person CAN make a difference.
One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one.......

The battle for our secure borders and immigration laws
that actually mean something, however, hasn't even begun.

If this ticks YOU off...PASS IT ON!

That is blasphemy. It saddens me greatly to see stunts like this. In my eyes, these people are not immigrants. Immigrants cross borders legally with a passport and work visa. They are invaders.

March 17th, 2008, 06:24 AM
"We know Dick Lamm as the former Governor of Colorado. In that context his thoughts are particularly poignant. Last week there was an immigration overpopulation conference in Washington , DC , filled to capacity by many of America's finest minds and leaders. A brilliant college professor by the name of Victor Hansen Davis talked about his latest book, "Mexifornia," explaining how immigration - both legal and illegal was destroying the entire state of California. He said it would march across the country until it destroyed all vestiges of The American Dream.

Moments later, former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm stood up and gave a stunning speech on how to destroy America

The audience sat spellbound as he described eight methods for the destruction of the United States . He said, "If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let's destroy America . It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall and that 'An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.'"

"Here is how they do it," Lamm said:

" First, to destroy America , turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country. History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual. The historical scholar, Seymour Lipset, put it this way: 'The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension, and tragedy.' Canada , Belgium , Malaysia , and Lebanon all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons, Corsicans and Muslims."

Lamm went on:

" Second, to destroy America , invent 'multiculturalism' and encourage immigrants to maintain their culture. Make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal; that there are no cultural differences. Make it an article of faith that the Black and Hispanic dropout rates are due solely to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out of bounds/SPAN

" Third, we could make the United States an 'Hispanic Quebec' without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity. As Benjamin Schwarz said in the Atlantic Monthly recently: 'The apparent success of our own multi-ethnic and multicultural experiment might have been achieved not by tolerance but by hegemony. Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentrism and what it meant to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together.' Lamm said, "I would encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture. I would replace the melting pot metaphor with the salad bowl metaphor. It is important to ensure that we have various cultural subgroups living in America enforcing their differences rather than as Americans, emphasizing their similarities."

"Fourth, I would make our fastest growing demographic group the least educated. I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to our population. I would have this second underclass have a 50% dropout rate from high school."

" My fifth point for destroying America would be to get big foundations and business to give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of 'Victim.' I would get all minorities to think that their lack of success was the fault of the majority. I would start a grievance industry blaming all minority failure on the majority platoon."

" My sixth plan for America's downfall would include dual citizenship, and promote divided loyalties. I would celebrate diversity over unity. I would stress differences rather than similarities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other - that is, when they are not killing each other. A diverse, peaceful , or stable society is against most historical precepts. People undervalue the unity it takes to keep a nation together. Look at the ancient Greeks. The Greeks believed that they belonged to the same race; they possessed a common language and literature; and they worshipped the same gods. All Greece took part in the Olympic games. A common enemy, Persia , threatened their liberty. Yet all these bonds were not strong enough to overcome two factors: local patriotism and geographical conditions that nurtured political divisions. Greece fell. "E. Pluribus Unum" -- From many, one. In that historical reality, if we put the emphasis on the 'pluribus' instead of the 'Unum,'we will " Balkanize " America as surely as Kosovo. '

" Next to last, I would place all subjects off limits. Make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of 'diversity.' I would find a word similar to 'heretic' in the 16th century - that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like 'racist' or 'xenophobe' halt discussion and debate. Having made America a bilingual /bicultural country, having established multi-cultism, having the large foundations fund the doc- trine of 'Victim,' I would next make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws. I would develop a mantra: That because immigration has been good for America , it must always be good. I would make every individual immigrant symmetric and ignore the cumulative impact of millions of them."

In the last minute of his speech, Governor Lamm wiped his brow. Profound silence followed. Finally he said, "Lastly, I would censor Victor Hanson Davis's book 'Mexifornia.' His book is dangerous. It exposes the plan to destroy America . If you feel America deserves to be destroyed, don't read that book."

There was no applause. A chilling fear quietly rose like an ominous cloud above every attendee at the conference. Every American in that room knew that everything Lamm enumerated was proceeding methodically, quietly, darkly, yet pervasively across the United States today. Discussion is being suppressed. Over 100 languages are ripping the foundation of our educational system and national cohesiveness. Even barbaric cultures that practice female genital mutilation are growing as we celebrate 'diversity.' American jobs are vanishing into the Third World as corporations create a Third World in America Take note of California and other states. To date, ten million illegal aliens and growing fast. It is reminiscent of George Orwell's book "1984." In that story, three slogans are engird in the Ministry of Truth building: "War is peace," "Freedom is slavery," and "Ignorance is strength."

Governor Lamm walked back to his seat. It dawned on everyone at the conference that our nation and the future of this great democracy is deeply in trouble and worsening fast. If we don't get this immigration monster stopped within three years, it will rage like a California wildfire and destroy everything in its path, especially The American Dream. "

After that I need 3 fingers of Bourbon, daily!!

Seriously if we all don't start paying attention and doing some research about the problems around us we are going to be in bad shape. If your just getting the news from the fine "News Media" out there then shame on you.

March 17th, 2008, 10:19 AM
Handwriting is on the wall, all you have to do is look. Glad I'm debt free now.