View Full Version : The Spence Car is Legal!

April 17th, 2008, 10:59 AM
Good news! The Spence Car is finally legal, although the Arkansas DMV has put in their quota of thinking for 2008 trying to get our car into the system. With all due respect to those at the DMV, the folks at our office are not likely to land a job with CSI any time soon. With that as a starting point, imagine me walking in with an MSO for a 1965 Cobra Replica that was manufactured by Unique in 1992, sold in 2003 in Kentucky, resold in 2003 in Alabama, then finished in 2008 in Arkansas. To be kind, the poor girl behind the counter had no clue where to start.

We finally netted out with the car titled as a 1965 Ford. I wanted to get Cobra Roadster on the title, but could not get there without it carrying a 1992 year. Having the 1965 year on the title was more important to me than the Cobra designation, and especially hearing about some of the trouble others have had with lawsuits from Cobra titles, I'm not that put out.

If the paperwork was not confusing enough, the poor girl printed my registration and the card came off the printer with the right name, address, and plate number but listed the car as a "1981 Bass Boat". After another 20 minutes with the Arkansas DMV IT team on the phone, I finally left with my plates and registration.

One more thing is off the Homecoming check list!

April 17th, 2008, 11:10 AM
"1981 Bass Boat" :D That one cracked me up Brian. Glad your making headway.

April 17th, 2008, 01:01 PM
Congrats, Brian! It's been a real pleasure to see that car come back from the dead.

I had a similar experience when I titled my car. The genius behind the counter handed me title and registration for a 2-door roadster (so far so good), but it was listed as a 1958 Viking, and the gross vehicle weight was 5600 lbs. And both title and registration had stamped on them, "Not for highway use." :confused: :confused: Seems the guy one window down was registering a road grader and his paperwork and mine got pureed. :rolleyes:

Again, glad you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

April 17th, 2008, 01:41 PM

There is a lot of Bass Fishing going on in the Gadsden area this time of year....so if you don't make the cruise you can get it out on the water...


April 17th, 2008, 03:12 PM
Congratulation Brian.
Sorry I am going to miss its debut at Homecoming

April 17th, 2008, 03:40 PM
That a way Brian! You and your dad have done a wonderful job bringing the neglected car back. I'm sure y'all had a great time! Sorry I will miss homecoming and the commardardie, but I will be looking for 'apres' homecoming photos.

Have fun and well done!!
