View Full Version : One more time on seats.....

April 23rd, 2008, 06:13 PM
OK - I just got done rebuilding the original seat bottoms, in an effort to be able to spend more than a half-hour at a time in them. That worked out pretty well, but now I remember why I took them out.

I bought Cobra Classic seats from Sube Motorsports and flat out loved them; supportive as a cradle and comfortable as an easy chair. Only problem is they pushed me up to where eye level was nearly the top of the windshield frame. My 6'-3" son looked over the windshield by about 6". Not a great set-up, but so comfy and supportive that I put up with it for 2 years.

The stockers just can't cut it. While the cushion level is now adequate, there is no side support and I feel like I'm rolling out of the seat around just about every corner...no doubt spoiled by the Classics. There is also plenty of flex in the seat back which, while aiding the comfort level, does nada for cornering support.

I've been checking out just about every seat mfgr. I can find, to see if anybody makes anything (1) small enough to fit into the car; (2) seriously supportive; and (3) comfortable. I see that Jason (patrija) has Superformance seats.....they're not too bad, and I didn't know they would fit our cars. Still, I would like more side support than they offer.

Anybody have any favorites or suggestions?

April 24th, 2008, 03:35 AM
I installed a vintage style comp seat.
Although it has very little cushion it is formed to my body and is very comfortable. I can drive for hours with no problems. It also holds me in place.
I build a seat frame for it but Lee of Sterling Replicars bolted his right to the floor of his Unique.
He is 6'2" I believe.
It was pricey from him. I would do the Kirky classic next time or look at Cobra restorers. They did list the same seat for half of what I paid for from Sterling.

I really like it a lot.



April 24th, 2008, 01:44 PM
Thanks, Tony. I've looked, a lot, at the Kirkey's but honestly was scared off at the thought of sitting on aluminum plate for more than a few minutes, let alone bouncing along down the road. Are they really comfortable? - mind you, I am not a candy-*** (rode 70's-era bikes many, many, many years and miles) and I'm not looking for Cadillac cushions.....but, boy, sitting on aluminum plate......just looks like something Torquemada thought up.

Guess I need to investigate. Thanks, amigo.


April 24th, 2008, 03:37 PM
I drove 2 hours to a friends house and was not tire or stiff when I got out of the car. Then two hours back. No problems. The seat I have is hard but it is more formed to your body. The cover has a thin layer of foam. I read where guys get some more thin foam to shape around to make the seat more form fitting.

It is worth investigating.

I just read my first post and I am just repeating myself.

I am happy with the comfort of the seat.

Are you going to Carlisle for the Kit car meet? I will be there Saturday with my car. Only thing is I am 5'10" with a 30" inseam. The seat is set up in the car for me and it might be hard to stuff you in my car. I am 250# though.:D

April 24th, 2008, 06:00 PM
I just read my first post and I am just repeating myself.

Weeellllll......welcome to my world. Do it all the time. Nuthin wrong with that.

Are you going to Carlisle for the Kit car meet? I will be there Saturday with my car. Only thing is I am 5'10" with a 30" inseam. The seat is set up in the car for me and it might be hard to stuff you in my car. I am 250# though.:D

Wish I could, I'll be in So. Carolina that weekend. And it would fit - I'm 5'8" with a 28/29" inseam, at 225 lbs. And older than dirt. :) Thanks for the offer.

April 24th, 2008, 06:28 PM
Sent my original seat bottoms to Maurice about 3 weeks ago, he said they will be denser foam and sit an inch lower...cant wait, hope it works.
Has anybody else done this?

April 25th, 2008, 03:52 AM
Weeellllll......welcome to my world. Do it all the time. Nuthin wrong with that.

Wish I could, I'll be in So. Carolina that weekend. And it would fit - I'm 5'8" with a 28/29" inseam, at 225 lbs. And older than dirt. :) Thanks for the offer.

Do you hobble when you walk?:D

April 25th, 2008, 07:16 PM
Nah....but I do walk around in circles a lot :)

April 26th, 2008, 01:59 AM
Well since you can fit in my car I will let you take it for a spin as well.:shift:
It will straighten you out.:D

April 26th, 2008, 06:23 AM
You may well be onto something, PipeMan.

All have been trying for 55 years to straighten me out, and so far I've successfully resisted.....

Saw a pair of Hurricane seats for sale on that other Cobra website - look like they also might fit, but that's an iffy proposition. Also don't know what they would do, support and comfort-wise. Eh - it's a thought.

Still, I really would like to plop into a Kirkey to get some butt input info. Yours may well be the one, Tony - we do have an event up here first weekend in June and there may be somebody who shows up who has one in their car too. Time will tell.

In any event, thank you much. Don't think a toot would be necessary, as these old cheeks can discern pretty quickly just what they like and don't. But a squat for 10 minutes or so would be mighty informing. ;)

April 26th, 2008, 06:31 PM
No problem. Everybody's backside is different so keep on sitting and you will find one the fits you. Keep me posted of your schedule maybe we can meet halfway on day.

Are you driving to So. Carolina?

April 27th, 2008, 07:54 AM
Ahh, if only. No, my son has a wedding to go to - a friend from his college days (all 1-1/2 semesters worth) has invited him and he wants to go. So we go.

My son was in a motorcycle accident almost 3 years ago that caused severe head injuries and left him in bad shape. He just turned 28 this month, but requires lots of help to do anything more complicated than daily living stuff. While he sees the Cobra as his, there isn't enough time to drive there, and as he now has no license he can't help with the driving either. We'll fly down and back over that weekend. I take every opportunity to get him out into the real world, and the "normal" life, whenever I can. If it wasn't SC that weekend, we would be in Carlisle.

A few of the Capital Area Cobra Club folks come up to Washington's Crossing, PA for the annual Cobra Revolution on the first weekend in June. If you get a wild hair, think about a run up, too - iffn you need to stay we've got places to make that happen. Just a thought. ;)

April 28th, 2008, 04:22 AM
God Bless you Turnpike Boy.

I have thought about going there before. So it is possible to make a trip there.

Early June, right?

April 28th, 2008, 03:45 PM
God help us all, Mr. T.

Yeah, man....got a link right here: http://midatlanticcobras.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=54.0;attach=7

Always fun - generally around 40 or 50 cars show up. Always room for one more, amigo :)


April 28th, 2008, 04:31 PM
Sounds cool.

Glenn had said something about that a couple of years ago.

October............our 20th anniversary is in October.
Sounds like a nice little weekend getaway with the wife and the Cobra.:D
She says she is game.[thumb]