View Full Version : need your input

December 4th, 2008, 08:02 AM
I am happy to say I returned from Gasden about a week ago with my DPK:banana:. The guy thats gonna paint the car came to the house last night to take a look at body lines, gaps, and the overall condition before I remove the body. Needless to say, but he was very impressed with what he had to work with. He wanted me to find out how the edge of the fender flares are supposed to be shaped. Are they to be left blunt as they came from the mold, tapered to a finer edge, rolled under, etc. A description would be good and much appreciated, but a close up picture would be great!

has anyone ever tapered the underside [left of center] of the dash to get more leg room? I did order the dash with the raised bottom, but its not going to be enough, as my left knee hits the dash when working the clutch. I can see that a padded door hinge is going to be a must as well.
Any wisdom you can send my way would be great.

December 4th, 2008, 11:45 AM
I can see that a padded door hinge is going to be a must as well.

Sounds like you have noticed the same thing with the hinge that I have. This is actually on my to-do list for the car. I plan to decrease the amount of hinge that protrudes into the "knee area" by shortening the "U" shaped section by at least an inch or more. My car is much older than yours, so it may not be the same, but with the door fully open I have plenty of clearance at the hinge to make this modification.

December 4th, 2008, 12:18 PM
when i returned home and prior to unloading the car, i opened up the door and my first thought was "well, it shouldn't be hard to shorten the amount of the hinge that protrudes into the car / left knee" I already had it fabricated in my head and figured it would be as simple as welding in a new peice of metal in the "u" [closer to the door] before cutting and removing the protruding portion. when i unloaded the car, the door was allowed to be in its fully open position, I realized my idea would not be possable because of door hinge clearance. perhaps unique had already incorporated this design change after your car was built. the door hinge on mine has already reached its maximum potential. if you have the extra allowable clearance to make the change, your knee will thank you.

December 5th, 2008, 01:34 PM
I would check out your seat. I know alot of knee/footroom can be achieved by reworking your seat.
Can it be lowered or adjusted forward or backward?
Seat adjustment tracks can be removed.
What is the cushion height? Lots of good foams to support you without the height. I belive Unique has a new seat bottom design.
Just seems to be a more logical place to work without cutting the dash or hinges. I feel that creates more work.
Just my 2 cents.

December 5th, 2008, 06:22 PM
I just picked up the DPK last week so I'm starting with a clean slate. No seat tracks to remove, already put seat in lowest, farthest back position possable, with a slight backwards tilt. I know I'm not the first or only owner to be over 6'. I don't want to change the dash, but if I must, I think it can be done and not be noticable unless the modification was being looked for. I guess we shall see, but only as a last resort.
thanks for the input.

December 5th, 2008, 06:25 PM
it shouldn't be hard to shorten the amount of the hinge that protrudes into the car / left knee" I already had it fabricated in my head and figured it would be as simple as welding in a new peice of metal in the "u" [closer to the door] before cutting and removing the protruding portion.

Exactly the fix I plan. Mine does have clearance with the door open. Perhaps the age of the car or because it is a 289 model.

December 6th, 2008, 06:21 AM
I am not that tall but I changed my drivers seat to a Kirkey retro racing seat, it bolts to the bottom of the floor and has good leg support. It offers alot more leg room and it is very comfortable.

December 6th, 2008, 09:43 AM
thank you for the info. do they stick up higher than the originals? i'll check out the site you provided, thanks again,

December 9th, 2008, 12:33 AM
Scott, Post a picture of the seat in you car...

Also a report on the Avon tires!!!