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View Full Version : Free 427 SOHC Engines...no joke

Russ Dickey
May 14th, 2009, 09:57 AM
But they're 1/18th scale.

My company has put together a grass-roots promotion to get some exposure for our little company, where I am simply contacting as many Ford car clubs as possible, and giving away a free 427 SOHC engine collectible to any of their members who come to our website and sign up to be a member. So I 've been sitting here emailing hundreds of car clubs for the past few days, and I thought "hey, the Unique Owner's Forum is kind of a car club, so let's offer it to the group."

Anyway, it’s a totally free deal. There’s no cost to sign up on GoMotorBids, no cost for the little engine, and no cost for shipping fees associated with the engine. We are just looking to get the word out there about our company and build our member database, and this is a lot cheaper than doing a commercial on Speed TV!

Here’s the link where you can get more information, see some images of the engine, and sign up to get one. You can either click on it, or if that doesn’t work, copy and paste it into your browser.


You are welcome to send this link on to any of your Ford friends that they may think might like a free collectible Cammer. (while supplies last). They just have to register on that particular page to get the engine.


Bill D
May 14th, 2009, 04:53 PM
I signed up, but I'm not sure I did it correctly to receive the cammer engine. I hope so.
