View Full Version : A day at Unique

Tony Radford
June 30th, 2009, 10:20 AM
Weather couldn't have been better. Left the house at 6 AM time to avoid as much of the morning Atlanta traffic rush as possible. With one brief stop, I was in Gadsden by 8:40 (Atlanta time). I was really looking forward to new rear shocks and springs. Mike had the retrofit done in no time, but he noticed I didn't have the plate installed below the differential. That concerned Alan and Maurice, and rightfully so. Upon closer inspection, two of the four bolts holding the rear end assembly together had sheered off indicating the real possibility of pending disaster. The Unique team (mostly Mike) had to remove the whole rear assembly from my car and perform emergency surgery to remove/replace the sheered hardware prior to installing the plate. If you have a car that was shipped more than four or five years ago, check it out and ensure you have this plate installed. Alan has gone to great strides to allert their customers, but it got past me (I had no idea).

They had me out of there by 5:00 with a much smoother ride, an entact rear end assembly and front brakes (we won't talk about the gas pedal). With the exception of an enjoyable lunch with Maurice and Jean, I basically stood around and watched, knowing my car couldn't be receiving the level of care and expertise anywhere else on the planet. All in all, a really good day and equally fun/uneventful return home. Needless to say, my car has never had the quality and comfort of ride it has now. I'll have to get back up to the Dragon soon to start the abuse.

June 30th, 2009, 10:41 AM
Sounds like you had a great day and the trip was worth while. I'm anxiously awaiting my call, email or whatever from Alan telling me my stuff is ready to come pick up! :3g:

July 1st, 2009, 06:32 PM
Tony can you clarify which bolts were effected. I do have the reinforcement plate installed but am interested in which bolts were sheared.


July 2nd, 2009, 05:37 AM
Its the 2 bolts that hold the lower arm bracket to the center section.

July 2nd, 2009, 02:04 PM
was the car on a chassis dyno ? thats what seems to break those particular bolts.

Tony Radford
July 3rd, 2009, 04:14 AM
I did have a pretty brutal dyno session a couple of years ago. But my guess would be that it resulted from trailering. I used to put her in gear for transport until I snapped the main shaft in my transmission. i typically throw a sling over one of the lower arms? and ratchet it to a d ring. Leaving the car in neutral likely put a major strain on that connection.