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September 10th, 2009, 12:45 AM
I just got the latest copy of Kit Car Builder, and noticed our own Juanone has a new toy in his snakepit;)...

Interestingly, he built the 427 version of his Unique 289 car with a Supersomething 427, including a hardtop.

The article chronicles his Cobra adventures, talking about him being offered a large amount of green for his first Supersomething by a Nebraska attorney. Next, it mentions that Juan "strayed from the Supersomething brand briefly by buying another flavor of Cobra replica then in April 2008 decided to once again join the Supersomething family... "

I was dissapointed to see it presented this way, and that Unique was not mentioned, since Juan sold his Unique 289 to a doctor for a large amount of green, as well (or at least that is the info that the grapevine produced). I think KCB could have used that pattern to give the good-guys a plug, too, showing that the Unique brand commands respect and is in demand.

I guess it's not a bad thing, but just a missed opportunity:(. I hope Juan enjoys his new ride!

September 10th, 2009, 09:32 AM
As for the article in Kt Car Builder, I am getting a couple of copies so that I have it in my possession also.

Jim Youngs, the magazine editor extracted copy from an article that was done for Superformance and he merely echoed that in the article for the magazine. He is a great supporter of all manufacturers in the industry and would be incapable of making any negative comments for or against any competing manufacturers. He is above all of that.

I just cannot imagine him making a commentary for or against Unique, it is just not him, never.

Unique still has a warm spot in my heart and everybody knows that. The reasons for selling my Unique were purely personal and just that.


September 10th, 2009, 11:32 AM
Hey Juan, wlecome back!

My comments were not to say he should have said something good or bad about our brand, or any brand. And it was certainly not to be critical of you or the new car.

I was only pointing out that he could have continued with the pattern that you build fantastic cars, which people eventually offer you a lot of money for. This would have allowed him to mention the Unique car as the second in the series of this happening. The way I see it, you again have something unique (even if it isn't a Unique;)), which someone may eventually have to have! That is complementary to your work and vision. I guess I didn't say it well enough the first time.

By the way he presented it, the tone of his article left the underlying implication that there was something wrong or substandard with the second car, since you went back to the original brand... at least the way I read it. That was my real dissappointment with the article...

As I said before, I hope you enjoy you new adventure[thumb]!