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January 6th, 2010, 02:11 PM

I just couldn't let you get by with the Roll Tide bit! LOL



January 7th, 2010, 10:19 AM
Nothing like a good longhorn, I like mine medium rare cooked over hot crimson colored coal.

January 7th, 2010, 10:24 AM
Someone once told me that a Texan was just a Mexican on his way to Oklahoma!!!!!

I'm an Auburn fan, but..........ROLL TIDE!!!!!

January 7th, 2010, 11:16 PM
I hate it for Colt McCoy, he is a class act.

ROLL TIDE !!!!!!!!

January 8th, 2010, 06:31 AM
:)Saban was lucky, if TX has McCoy and goes up 14 to zip then it's another story. But that's not what happened, offense play calling in the 3rd quarter sucked for the Tide, way to conservative. That's why we like college ball.

Actually was pullling for the Tide but thought it was not there best game.

Really liked Troy and Central Michigan, hell of a game to watch.

January 8th, 2010, 07:08 AM
I also liked the Troy - C. Mich game more than the BCS game. It sure looked like the Horns were going to trample the Tide till McCoy got hurt. Too bad he got hurt. I was pulling for the SEC as we did not show well in the overall bowl game stats. Pray for the Vols in 2010!!


January 8th, 2010, 08:31 AM
My wife just called one of her co-workers thats a Texas fan to tell her she is watching the game again, so she can see Auburn win twice.;)

Tony Radford
January 8th, 2010, 10:03 AM
I've been told that the way to find Texas from Georgia is to head west until you smell cow sh*t (that's Oklahoma) then head south until you step in it - that's Texas.

January 9th, 2010, 02:55 PM
Bama didn't play thier best game but when McCoy went down thier game plan changed, when the score went 24 to 6 they went with a much too conservative offense. Texas couldn't run and couldn't stop Bamas running game, Ingram and the freshman Richardson both had over 100 yards each. I think Bama wins either way, if you can't run against Bama its hard to get a win. Bama anounced the day after the game thier QB had suffered 3 cracked ribs in the SEC Championship game, thats why McElroy looked out of sink, he wore a flack jacket and was numbed up a before and during the game. Ralph, the hardest game we played this year was the Tn game, I think they are going to be good if thier coach doesn't get them in trouble. Bama will be ranked #1 at the start of next year but we are loosing alot of players.

January 9th, 2010, 04:46 PM
Alan, Bama did great. Our coach may need a gag if we are going to continue to be successful in our recruiting effort. We are currently ranked 7th in our recruiting effort. NCAA is keeping an eye on us after last year's trash talk. I still have my TN National Championship front license plate. Bet you've got one already for the Bama National Championship!


January 10th, 2010, 10:57 AM
No plate just a cap and t shirt. Maurice is in Knoxville this weekend for the Cabin Fever ca rshow.

January 11th, 2010, 07:27 AM

Spoken like a true Tide beleiver, I bet Maurice thinks you full of it though!!!!:rolleyes:

January 11th, 2010, 07:45 AM
Too bad I couldn't make it to cabin fever. What about the Vols beating #1 Kansas without our 4 delinquents. Bruce Pearl is doing a great job!


January 12th, 2010, 06:05 AM
Rick, the way Auburns season went he didn't even watch much football. I think he might be a closet BAMA fan now.


January 12th, 2010, 07:13 PM
Well by the time y'all read this it won't be news. Kiffin and his dad are leaving UT after 1 year of coaching and going to USC. Also say goodbye to all our recruits for the upcoming season. I would say most have decommited already. Well at least we won't have to put up with his mouth. OH well another lousy year for UT football coming up...HECK WE ARE GETTING USED TO IT!


January 13th, 2010, 05:27 AM
Problem is there are no top name coaches out there, I don't know who they are going to get but I would go after Butch Davis. Stay away from Saban.


January 13th, 2010, 10:06 AM
I think there is also the fundamental problem of the Athletic Director for UT, Mike Hamilton, as he has made some really dumb decisions. He may ultimately be replaced, not immediately, as it would be too much. I don't think Hamilton will be the one making the final decision on the new coach.
Another nasty thing is Kiffin's recruiter Ed Orgeron going with Kiffin to USC, was calling the midterm recruits starting class at UT today at 10:00 pm last night urging the kids recruited not to go to class today as they would then be commited to UT for a year and could not transfer to USC and play next fall. Now think about this UT and the TN taxpayers spent a ton of $$ to support the recruiting of these players and Orgeron is stealing them for USC at no expense to USC. Real ethical issue that USC needs to look at as well as the NCAA. So far only 1 of the 9 midterm starts has committed to stay a TN.

And it goes on and on...
