View Full Version : Aggressor took a hit

July 5th, 2010, 02:40 AM
She's taken a hit to number 1 rod bearing. Cruising home from a show last Sunday, the Number 1 rod started knocking and the oil pressure started to drop. It looks like she's spun the rod bearing. Suprisingly the damage to the crank is nominal and it appears that it could possibly be micropolished out. Looking back at the experimentation, trials, and near disasters we've been through together since 2001, it could be any of a thousand causes. She'll be laid up for a week or two and she should experience a full recovery.


July 5th, 2010, 04:40 AM
keep us posted on out come... but I think you like to tinker with the engine anyway base on all the posts I've read. Mark

July 5th, 2010, 02:14 PM

It was fun for the 1st 12000 miles but it's been getting a bit old for the last 8000.
Today it's 100 degrees in Harrisburg with hot and sticky for the next week. I figure I'll be back working on her about Wednesday.

- Geary

July 6th, 2010, 10:41 PM
Good luck Geary, and think about moving south to cooler weather:p! It's been high 80's low 90's down here;)...

July 7th, 2010, 05:50 PM
I don't envy you working on the car in the heat you are having back East :( But then again, it is probably better than the shaking that occurred down in SoCal an hour ago.

July 9th, 2010, 08:47 PM
She's back on line, feels strong, oil pressure better than ever. I started adding ZDDP to boost my zinc levels as a precaution.


July 10th, 2010, 04:34 AM
Yes on the ZDDP ! Bought a case of it. Are you adding 2 bottles per change? My engine builder also recogmends using oil for diesels.... as all diesel oils meet or exceed gas engine requirements and has the higer zinc content not found any longer in most gas only oils. If you put few miles on.... and change at least yearly... suggest Shell Rotella (can buy as Sams Club, etc.) to save a few bucks. On the high end, oils such as Amsoil Diesel/marine or Redline, etc are best. Redline is one of the few "gas" oil that chose to retain their zinc content. There are a bunch of threads out there on this subject.
PS: Glad to hear your enging is back and better than ever [thumb]

July 12th, 2010, 04:29 PM
She's back on line, feels strong, oil pressure better than ever. I started adding ZDDP to boost my zinc levels as a precaution.


Good to hear[thumb]... and hope the weather has cooled, as well:)!