View Full Version : The Unique community loses a good one...

October 14th, 2011, 07:29 PM
A couple of weeks ago I tried to call our old friend Don Satterfield. I just spoke with Skeet, Don's son, and he said Don passed about two weeks before my call. They had discovered a cancer in the March-April time-frame, and apparently it was extremely aggressive. That is why Don didn't make the Homecoming this year.

Don had mentioned to me that the Cobra hobby and his Unique 427 car had really saved his life when he had lost his wife. I really appreciated him letting me drive it the last time he came to the Homecoming. He was a good guy[thumb]!

R.I.P. Don, God speed!

October 15th, 2011, 12:47 PM
Don was a great guy who was a hoot to be around. He told me about being so depressed after his wife passed away and the reason behind building his Cobra, it gave him a reason to get out of bed everyday. We we're just talking about Don a few weks ago and was wondering how hw was doing, I wish I would have called him. Thanks for letting us know Paul.

October 16th, 2011, 04:55 AM
I had the pleasure of meeting Don and visiting with him last time he attended the homecoming. Super nice guy that will be missed by all.