View Full Version : Vote

Jim Harding
November 6th, 2012, 05:51 AM
Voting is one of the most important blessings of the liberty we enjoy in this country.

In the end, despite all the rancor, obscene expenditures of money, and tedium of the campaigns, who will run the show comes down to the private decisions of ordinary citizens in voting booths.

And especially in a close election like this, every vote counts!

November 7th, 2012, 05:59 AM
Well I voted my convictions just like most of you I suppose. Despite the decision of the election the sun came up again in Alabama. It is, to say the least, very dishartening that the majority of our country has twice made a mistake. Mr. o is only a symptom of the problem.


scott h
November 7th, 2012, 06:40 AM
yes I agree, why does the south always vote against their own best interests?

November 8th, 2012, 04:24 AM
yes I agree, why does the south always vote against their own best interests?

They didn't - it was the 2 ends of the country that never seem to figure it out.

And since the east is more-or-less constantly accused of following the west....

scott h
November 8th, 2012, 04:43 AM
To quote a rather funny tv personality when giving the rundown on who won what states said Obama won .............. states and "Romney won the confederacy"

November 8th, 2012, 05:05 AM
There was another funny personality once, who observed ".....about the time you start thinkin' you're real important, try bossin' somebody else's dog around."

No tv around back then either.

November 8th, 2012, 07:50 AM
An interview with Tom Brokaw just prior to the election summed it up. "So Obama gets elected ...billions spent on campaigns ... just to end up with "Status Quo"".

Now for my personal dig -This is all while we mindlessly endure long term down-right blatant misleading campaign statements and hostle ignorance (On both sides).

We end up with the same stagnant Government in a gridlock situation with no bright horizon for the long haul ahead.

And we get to keep Obama-Care. Hooray and God Bless us with this disaster on that already dim horizon.

A German gentleman that I met last month at the Hershey Antique Auto Show asked me how this can happen in America. He said "Isn't this the home of NASA - We don't understand because your people are good at solving problems."

The whole election was (paraphasing Shakespear) Like the poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage. And then is heard no more. It is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing (Act 5, Scene 5 MacBeth)


November 8th, 2012, 02:53 PM
To quote a rather funny tv personality when giving the rundown on who won what states said Obama won .............. states and "Romney won the confederacy"

Wow, you learn something new everyday... I never realized all those states like Montana, Idaho, and the Dakotas were in the confederacy;)!

November 11th, 2012, 03:37 AM
Unlike some out there I think Unique Motorcars was built buy a family working together. Not by the government!

scott h
November 11th, 2012, 07:24 AM
who out there thinks THAT!

November 12th, 2012, 01:33 PM
Unlike some out there I think Unique Motorcars was built buy a family working together. Not by the government!

I don't think.... I know they did. Anyone who thinks differently is......., well, enough said.

scott h
November 12th, 2012, 04:37 PM
you skipped some words pgrmond

are you so paranoid and delusional that you think the current administration is going to personally take your car away. Do you really think that all the people who voted for Obama want a free ride
For all of you out there, remember the republican party is an out of touch organization run buy rich old white men who think that there is something called "legitimate rape" oh sorry that's you!

scott h
November 12th, 2012, 04:38 PM
that goes for yoyu too dagokid

scott h
November 12th, 2012, 04:39 PM
while i am at you. as a group you are rediculous. see ya!

Jim Harding
November 12th, 2012, 06:12 PM
Scott, I think that when you cut through all the BS, the GOP was more leaning towards less government/entitlements, whereas, Obama was more in favor of programs that provided for minorities, be they race, gender, or whatever, with a socialist plan. Our present deficit will only get larger if we continue down the road we are now on. I personally don't think either party has a plan to reduce the deficit without rising taxes on everyone.....in it's simplest way, the government cannot pay for anything, i.e. pay down the deficit, unless it takes money from us, the taxpayers. Life as we know it will change for the worse for our kids and grand kids. We are sliding down a very slippery slope, and our representatives in Washington are all doing a poor job of getting us back to the strong Republic we once were. In this past election, no matter which party won, we all lost something.

November 16th, 2012, 03:04 PM
Dang, I never mentioned any names except the hard working Weavers. Well now everyone knows I have some ancestors from Italy. [thumb]

November 16th, 2012, 08:58 PM
Hey Jim - See what happens when you try to encourage citizens to exercise their God given right to vote. I applaud your efforts but now Diego's family heritage is apparently on the firing line and with a name like Sarno what kind of Dago chance in hell have I.

To loosely quote my prior response - "A lot of sound and fury ... SIGNIFYING NOTHING"

I can't take any of the Election (AKA Carnival, Clown-Fest, ETC) seriously.

It's Miller Time guys. Back down, salute each other, and enjoy the day for a change.

We're on the road to "Galloping Ruin" There's nothing left to do for now so sadddle up, hold fast, and make the best ride that the day will allow with what you've got left.

GOD bless us all - We're gonna need it.

- Geary (Part Dago, Part Mick, & proud of it!) Sarno

Jim Harding
November 17th, 2012, 04:24 AM
Yeah Geary, I guess I should have taken to heart what someone once said many years ago..... "In a social setting, never bring up sex, religion, or politics". When I was growing up, my folks were die hard democrats. I'll never forget how disappointed they were with me when I made my first trip to the voting booth and voted for a guy I liked...... just so happened he was a republician. Talk about pi$$ed off!!! I darn near had to find another place to hang my hat. They would have voted for Mickey Mouse if he was running on a decomocratic ticket. It quickly sank in to my thick head that there are plenty more people out there that have the same convictions. Seems I found one here!
Your suggestion to 'pop a top', get along, and make the best of it is well stated. Too early in the morning to.........oh what the hell, it's five o'clock somewhere!!!