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December 2nd, 2012, 11:25 AM
Every year on the first Sat of Dec our town has a Christmas parade. This year the wife just wanted to take the Cobra out and ride around, including running up and the whole five blocks of mainstreet. The car needed some gas so we stopped at Chevron on the way to town, wife was sipping some coffee while I was pumping gas. Guy walks up and starts talking about how nice the car looks, asks how it runs ect. Then he asks, "Is it a Dodge"?

My wife literally gagged on her coffee she started laughing so hard. Without missing a beat she told him it was a Dodge Stinger only made for two years. They stopped making them because they looked too much like a Cobra, thats why we put the Cobra emblems on ours!

Gotta love a woman with a sense of humor.

December 2nd, 2012, 01:12 PM
Sounds like a keeper. Good sense of humor and crisp improvisational skills.

That's another reason I'm keeping mine. I appreciate her sharp wit.

A Dodge - That's funny.


Jim Harding
December 2nd, 2012, 01:40 PM
Gotta agree with Geary, she was quick to run with the Dodge story. I would have had to think for at least 5 minutes to even come close to duplicating her come back.
Great story, needed a laugh after spending the past 5 hours cleaning up the yard.